Vaginal Itching: 8 Reasons Why Your Vagina Is Itchy

If you're wondering, "Why is my vagina itchy?!" you are NOT alone.
Vaginal Itching Why is My Vagina Itchy Find out now.
Molly Cranna

Vaginas are great, but if you have one, chances are you've asked yourself at least once, "Why is my vagina itchy?" Sometimes things down there can get less than blissful. An itchy vulva, itchy labia, itchy vaginal opening — it can be hard to know, what exactly is going on and what, exectly, is itchy.  But here's the reality: Vaginal itching is super common and rarely a cause for major concern (but it's still plenty frustrating). Few things, in fact, are more irritating than an itchy vulva.

So what does it mean when your vulva or vagina itches? We went to the experts to find out. Keep in mind that anything that’s bothering you to a major extent should be evaluated by a doctor, and the same goes for recurring issues. Getting annual ob-gyn check-ups and being regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases is crucial for making sure there’s nothing more serious to worry about. And getting to know your vagina and vulva through education and exploration on your own will help you understand what’s going on down there.

Common symptoms that can accompany vaginal itching

Before we dig into what causes vaginal itching, it’s important to know that there are other symptoms that can accompany the general itch. And even when there’s no discharge and you’re just itchy, there could be symptoms that are hard for you to see. Here’s a breakdown of some common things you may run into:

Excess discharge

The Cleveland Clinic defines vaginal discharge as “a clear, white or off-white fluid that comes out of your vagina.” It’s mainly made of cells and bacteria and it actually works to keep your vagina clean and clear of infection. Most people with a vagina experience varying degrees of discharge—there is no right or wrong amount. But do take notice if you’re experiencing more discharge, your discharge changes color, has a foul-smelling odor, or changes in consistency and texture.


If you’re giving into the itch, there’s a good chance you’ll experience some swelling and inflammation in the area. The Mayo Clinic refers to vaginal inflammation as “vaginitis,” and it includes a collection of types, from bacterial vaginosis to yeast infections (more on those below). 


Just like on any other part of your body, rashes can materialize in many different forms. You may have bumps, sores, or blisters, and the infected skin may appear discolored (yellow, red, or purple).


Also called Bartholin’s cysts, Vaginal boils often present as really big, painful pimples, according to the Mayo Clinic. Much like any other type of vaginal acne, it’s important to not pop these on your own. Since they’re in a very sensitive area, it’s easy to spread bacteria. If a boil accompanies your vaginal itching, a medical professional can help you come up with a plan of action. You can also have boils outside of the labia on the inner thighs—anywhere where your skin touches and can cause potential irritation.

What causes vaginal itching?

Now that you know what to expect, here are a few common reasons your vaginal area or vulva may be itchy.

1. Yeast infections

“Most young [people] assume vaginal itching is due to a yeast infection, and they are usually right,” says Kyrin Dunston, MD, an ob-gyn from Atlanta. “At one point in their lifetime at least 75% of females report having had an infection of this type. The technical term for this is vulvovaginal candidiasis. Many [people] want to know how to prevent this annoying infection. It is important to understand that candida is what is known as an opportunistic infection, meaning that this fungus is present in small amounts in a normal [person] and only proliferates and causes an actual infection and symptoms when the conditions are right. Candida, like most fungi, need warmth, moisture, and food to proliferate.”

Help avoid infections by removing damp underwear as quickly as possible after sports and other sweaty activities. Your best treatment option is medication.

2. Irritation Caused by Shaving

This one seems simple, but if you’re feeling particularly irritated, Dunston says shaving could be the culprit. Take a few weeks off and see if you feel better. You might be surprised by how much you love the new look, too, and realize that you don't want to shave down there anymore, especially because getting rid of pubic hair can actually lead to STDs.

Molly Cranna

3. An Upset Vaginal pH balance

"Vaginal discomfort such as itching and burning, and even odor, can result from an imbalance in your vaginal ecosystem,” says Botros Rizk, MD, a professor and the head of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of South Alabama. “Everyday activities like exercise, intercourse, and using douches can disrupt the normal pH balance of the vagina, which, in turn, upsets the balance between the friendly bacteria that help your vagina clean itself and the unfriendly bacteria that cause vaginal discomfort.”

Again, changing out of damp underwear is helpful. Avoid douches and other “cleaning” products. Let your vagina take care of itself.

4. Bacterial Vaginosis

One of the most common causes of vaginal itching is bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is the result of “an imbalance of ‘good’ and ‘harmful’ bacteria that are normally found in a person's vagina. Basically, the ‘bad’ bacteria increases, and the ‘good’ stuff decreases.” According to the Mayo Clinic, there are various treatments to help you manage this. While probiotics like those found in Greek yogurt, kombucha, and pickled foods might help manage this condition, more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness.

5. Vaginal Irritation Caused by Everyday Products (Detergent, Toilet Paper, etc.)

“If there is no infection present, the most likely cause of an itchy vulva and vagina is chemicals in the environment,” says Dunston. “Common culprits include laundry detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, bleach used to clean clothes, certain toilet papers, and sanitary products, especially perfumed ones. Perfumed vaginal sprays and douches can cause this as well. Needless to say, the vagina is a delicate area and chemicals and irritants need to be kept away.”

Skip products with a scent if you can, and try to use a nonirritating soap when you shower. Switching out detergents and other laundering products for safer and softer alternatives might be just the trick to finding relief.

Molly Cranna

6. Common Skin Conditions like Psoriasis or Eczema

Skin conditions could be at the root of your itchy vulva. Psoriasis, for example, is an immune system disorder that leads to scaly, red rashes on the skin — and that includes the skin on your vulva. If you think you have psoriasis, it's best to be evaluated by a dermatologist. A dermatologist can offer a proper diagnosis and guide your treatment. Treatment options include topical creams, oral medications, and light therapy.

Eczema is similar to psoriasis, in that it can affect any area on the body (including the vulva) and causes itching. As with psoriasis, it's important to see a dermatologist if you suspect you're suffering from eczema. The doctor will most likely recommend an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream and a moisturizing regimen.

7. A Rare Skin Condition, Like Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is another skin condition, but it's pretty uncommon. According to the Mayo Clinic, the condition is characterized by white patches of skin, typically presenting in the genital or anal area. These patches can be itchy, red, and painful. If you suspect you have lichen sclerosus, make an appointment with your gynecologist or dermatologist. They can do a biopsy to confirm whether or not it's lichen sclerosus and prescribe a treatment.

8. STDs

STDs — including chlamydia, genital warts, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, pubic lice, and genital herpes — can cause vaginal itching. If you’re experiencing ongoing irritation while sexually active, get tested for sexually transmitted diseases as soon as you can. An STD is not the end of the world, and treatment for many issues is easier than you think. But your best tool is awareness of the problem, so don’t hesitate to find out — it's far better to visit the gynecologist and get some real answers than to keep Googling "Why is my vagina itchy?"

What to expect during a doctor's examination

Before you run for some vaginal itching cream, think about setting up a doctor's appointment. Going to go the doctor for anything can be scary, especially when it’s to address a sensitive area of the body. When you visit with a doctor, they will likely want to examine the area. Be fully prepared to answer questions about what your symptoms are and when they began; when your last menstrual cycle began and ended; and any new medications, lotions, or other supplements you may be using. It’s best to come with a pre-written list, as it’s easy to forget the specifics when you may be nervous about your office visit. 

There is a chance that the doctor will do an internal examination, depending on your full suite of symptoms, but this will be discussed before they begin. Always feel free to share any discomfort around your exam with your medical professional. More information is always better and they will hopefully approach the exam in a gentle manner while checking in with you along the way.