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Ontario Is Now Offering OSAP Loans & Grants To Students In Nearly 600 Rapid Programs

You can train for in-demand jobs.
OSAP Includes Nearly 600 Rapid Programs To Qualify For Grants & Loans

The provincial government is officially upgrading the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to include hundreds of additional options.

The initiative, announced on March 18, has added nearly 600 rapid training programs to OSAP's coverage to help supply loans and grants to people training for in-demand jobs. 

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The micro-credential courses will allow previously excluded Ontarians to re-train or upskill to find new employment while getting support from the government if needed. 

According to the government's release, the programs will also be short in duration and available to be completed online

"By supporting these micro-credential programs our government is transforming Ontario's postsecondary education sector and opening the window of opportunity to those who are looking to develop a new set of skills quickly," Ross Romano, minister of colleges and universities, said.

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